在 Rust 中请求流水线


在本教程中,您将了解请求流水线模式及其优势。本教程要求您已熟悉编写和运行 FIDL 客户端与服务器的基础知识,这些内容在 Rust 使用入门教程中有所介绍。


在 Fuchsia 上使用 FIDL 的一个常见方面是跨协议自行传递协议。许多 FIDL 消息都包含通道的客户端或服务器端,其中通道用于通过不同的 FIDL 协议进行通信。在这种情况下,客户端表示通道的远程端实现指定的协议,而服务器端表示远程端正在对指定协议发出请求。客户端和服务器端的另一组术语是协议和协议请求。


  • 在 FIDL 和 Rust FIDL 绑定中,这些客户端和服务器的使用就结束了。
  • 请求管道模式及其优势。

本教程的完整示例代码位于 //examples/fidl/rust/request_pipelining


本教程实现了 fuchsia.examples 库中的 EchoLauncher 协议:

closed protocol EchoLauncher {
    strict GetEcho(struct {
        echo_prefix string:MAX_STRING_LENGTH;
    }) -> (resource struct {
        response client_end:Echo;
    strict GetEchoPipelined(resource struct {
        echo_prefix string:MAX_STRING_LENGTH;
        request server_end:Echo;

这是一个允许客户端检索 Echo 协议实例的协议。客户端可以指定一个前缀,生成的 Echo 实例会将该前缀添加到每个响应中。


  • GetEcho:接受前缀作为请求,并使用连接到 Echo 协议实现的通道的客户端端进行响应。在响应中收到客户端后,客户端就可以开始使用客户端发出采用 Echo 协议的请求。
  • GetEchoPipelined:将通道的前缀和服务器端作为请求,并将 Echo 的实现绑定到该请求。系统会假定发出请求的客户端已持有客户端,并将在调用 GetEchoPipeliend 之后开始在相应通道上发出 Echo 请求。



实现 Echo 协议

这种 Echo 实现允许指定前缀,以区分 Echo 服务器的不同实例:

// An Echo implementation that adds a prefix to every response
async fn run_echo_server(stream: EchoRequestStream, prefix: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
        .map(|result| result.context("failed request"))
        .try_for_each(|request| async move {
            match request {
                // The SendString request is not used in this example, so just
                // ignore it
                EchoRequest::SendString { value: _, control_handle: _ } => {}
                EchoRequest::EchoString { value, responder } => {
                    println!("Got echo request for prefix {}", prefix);
                    let response = format!("{}: {}", prefix, value);
                    responder.send(&response).context("error sending response")?;

SendString 处理程序为空,因为客户端仅使用 EchoString

实现 EchoLauncher 协议

一般结构与 Echo 实现类似,但一个区别在于使用的是 try_for_each_concurrent,而非 try_for_each。此示例中的客户端启动两个 Echo 实例,因此使用并发版本可以同时运行对 run_echo_server 的两次调用:

// The EchoLauncher implementation that launches Echo servers with the specified
// prefix
async fn run_echo_launcher_server(stream: EchoLauncherRequestStream) -> Result<(), Error> {
    // Currently the client only connects at most two Echo clients for each EchoLauncher
        .map(|result| result.context("request error"))
        .try_for_each_concurrent(2, |request| async move {
            let (echo_prefix, server_end) = match request {
                // In the non pipelined case, we need to initialize the
                // communication channel ourselves
                EchoLauncherRequest::GetEcho { echo_prefix, responder } => {
                    println!("Got non pipelined request");
                    let (client_end, server_end) = create_endpoints::<EchoMarker>();
                    (echo_prefix, server_end)
                // In the pipelined case, the client is responsible for
                // initializing the channel, and passes the server its end of
                // the channel
                EchoLauncherRequest::GetEchoPipelined {
                    control_handle: _,
                } => {
                    println!("Got pipelined request");
                    (echo_prefix, request)
            // Run the Echo server with the specified prefix
            run_echo_server(server_end.into_stream()?, &echo_prefix).await

这两种 EchoLauncher 方法都通过在通道的服务器端调用 run_echo_server 来处理。不同之处在于,在 GetEcho 中,服务器负责初始化通道:它会将一端用作服务器端,并将另一端发送回客户端。在 GetEchoPipelined 中,服务器端作为请求的一部分提供,因此服务器无需执行任何其他工作,也无需响应。

// The EchoLauncher implementation that launches Echo servers with the specified
// prefix
async fn run_echo_launcher_server(stream: EchoLauncherRequestStream) -> Result<(), Error> {
    // Currently the client only connects at most two Echo clients for each EchoLauncher
        .map(|result| result.context("request error"))
        .try_for_each_concurrent(2, |request| async move {
            let (echo_prefix, server_end) = match request {
                // In the non pipelined case, we need to initialize the
                // communication channel ourselves
                EchoLauncherRequest::GetEcho { echo_prefix, responder } => {
                    println!("Got non pipelined request");
                    let (client_end, server_end) = create_endpoints::<EchoMarker>();
                    (echo_prefix, server_end)
                // In the pipelined case, the client is responsible for
                // initializing the channel, and passes the server its end of
                // the channel
                EchoLauncherRequest::GetEchoPipelined {
                    control_handle: _,
                } => {
                    println!("Got pipelined request");
                    (echo_prefix, request)
            // Run the Echo server with the specified prefix
            run_echo_server(server_end.into_stream()?, &echo_prefix).await

提供 EchoLauncher 协议

主循环应与服务器教程中的相同,但提供的是 EchoLauncher,而不是 Echo

enum IncomingService {

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let mut fs = ServiceFs::new_local();

    const MAX_CONCURRENT: usize = 1000;
    let fut = fs.for_each_concurrent(MAX_CONCURRENT, |IncomingService::EchoLauncher(stream)| {
        run_echo_launcher_server(stream).unwrap_or_else(|e| println!("{:?}", e))

    println!("Running echo launcher server");



  1. 配置您的 GN build 以包含该服务器:

    fx set core.x64 --with //examples/fidl/rust/request_pipelining/server:echo-server
  2. 构建 Fuchsia 映像:

    fx build


连接到 EchoLauncher 服务器后,客户端代码会使用 GetEcho 连接到 Echo 的一个实例,使用 GetEchoPipelined 连接到另一个 Echo 实例,然后对每个实例发出 EchoString 请求。


async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let echo_launcher =
        connect_to_protocol::<EchoLauncherMarker>().context("Failed to connect to echo service")?;

    // Create a future that obtains an Echo protocol using the non-pipelined
    // GetEcho method
    let non_pipelined_fut = async {
        let client_end = echo_launcher.get_echo("not pipelined").await?;
        // "Upgrade" the client end in the response into an Echo proxy, and
        // make an EchoString request on it
        let proxy = client_end.into_proxy()?;
        proxy.echo_string("hello").map_ok(|val| println!("Got echo response {}", val)).await

    // Create a future that obtains an Echo protocol using the pipelined GetEcho
    // method
    let (proxy, server_end) = create_proxy::<EchoMarker>()?;
    echo_launcher.get_echo_pipelined("pipelined", server_end)?;
    // We can make a request to the server right after sending the pipelined request
    let pipelined_fut =
        proxy.echo_string("hello").map_ok(|val| println!("Got echo response {}", val));

    // Run the two futures to completion
    let (non_pipelined_result, pipelined_result) = join!(non_pipelined_fut, pipelined_fut);

此代码将两个 Future 链接到一起。首先,它会向客户端发出 GetEcho 请求。然后,它会获取该 Future 的结果,接着用它来创建客户端对象 (proxy),调用 EchoString,最后使用 await 阻塞结果。


async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let echo_launcher =
        connect_to_protocol::<EchoLauncherMarker>().context("Failed to connect to echo service")?;

    // Create a future that obtains an Echo protocol using the non-pipelined
    // GetEcho method
    let non_pipelined_fut = async {
        let client_end = echo_launcher.get_echo("not pipelined").await?;
        // "Upgrade" the client end in the response into an Echo proxy, and
        // make an EchoString request on it
        let proxy = client_end.into_proxy()?;
        proxy.echo_string("hello").map_ok(|val| println!("Got echo response {}", val)).await

    // Create a future that obtains an Echo protocol using the pipelined GetEcho
    // method
    let (proxy, server_end) = create_proxy::<EchoMarker>()?;
    echo_launcher.get_echo_pipelined("pipelined", server_end)?;
    // We can make a request to the server right after sending the pipelined request
    let pipelined_fut =
        proxy.echo_string("hello").map_ok(|val| println!("Got echo response {}", val));

    // Run the two futures to completion
    let (non_pipelined_result, pipelined_result) = join!(non_pipelined_fut, pipelined_fut);

使用 create_proxy,这是创建通道的两端并将一端转换为代理的快捷方式。调用 GetEchoPipelined 后,客户端可以立即发出 EchoString 请求。

最后,与非流水线调用和流水线调用对应的两个 Future 会同时运行以完成操作,以查看哪个 Future 最先完成:

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
    let echo_launcher =
        connect_to_protocol::<EchoLauncherMarker>().context("Failed to connect to echo service")?;

    // Create a future that obtains an Echo protocol using the non-pipelined
    // GetEcho method
    let non_pipelined_fut = async {
        let client_end = echo_launcher.get_echo("not pipelined").await?;
        // "Upgrade" the client end in the response into an Echo proxy, and
        // make an EchoString request on it
        let proxy = client_end.into_proxy()?;
        proxy.echo_string("hello").map_ok(|val| println!("Got echo response {}", val)).await

    // Create a future that obtains an Echo protocol using the pipelined GetEcho
    // method
    let (proxy, server_end) = create_proxy::<EchoMarker>()?;
    echo_launcher.get_echo_pipelined("pipelined", server_end)?;
    // We can make a request to the server right after sending the pipelined request
    let pipelined_fut =
        proxy.echo_string("hello").map_ok(|val| println!("Got echo response {}", val));

    // Run the two futures to completion
    let (non_pipelined_result, pipelined_result) = join!(non_pipelined_fut, pipelined_fut);



  1. 配置您的 GN build 以包含该服务器:

    fx set core.x64 --with //examples/fidl/rust/request_pipelining/client:echo-client
  2. 构建 Fuchsia 映像:

    fx build



  1. 配置 build 以添加所提供的包含 echo 领域、服务器和客户端的软件包:

    fx set core.x64 --with //examples/fidl/rust:echo-launcher-rust
  2. 构建 Fuchsia 映像:

    fx build
  3. 运行 echo_realm 组件。这将创建客户端和服务器组件实例并路由功能:

    ffx component run /core/ffx-laboratory:echo_realm fuchsia-pkg://fuchsia.com/echo-launcher-rust#meta/echo_realm.cm
  4. 启动 echo_client 实例:

    ffx component start /core/ffx-laboratory:echo_realm/echo_client

当客户端尝试连接到 EchoLauncher 协议时,服务器组件便会启动。您应该会在设备日志 (ffx log) 中看到类似于以下内容的输出:

[echo_server][][I] Running echo launcher server
[echo_server][][I] Got pipelined request
[echo_server][][I] Got echo request for prefix pipelined
[echo_server][][I] Got non pipelined request
[echo_client][][I] Got echo response pipelined: hello
[echo_server][][I] Got echo request for prefix not pipelined
[echo_client][][I] Got echo response not pipelined: hello

根据打印订单,您可以看到,采用流水线的情形更快。即使先发送非流水线请求,也会先发送流水线用例的 echo 响应,因为请求流水线可以省去客户端与服务器之间的往返。请求管道也会简化代码。

如需详细了解协议请求流水线,包括如何处理可能失败的协议请求,请参阅 FIDL API 评分准则


ffx component destroy /core/ffx-laboratory:echo_realm