Stop running package servers

The ffx repository server commands can identify and stop Fuchsia package servers on the host machine.


The package repository server is controlled by running the subcommands of ffx repository server. This server handles requests for metadata about the available packages and delivers the file blobs that make up the package contents.

There can be multiple package servers running on a single host machine. It is useful to be able to stop one or all of these running servers.

There are two ways to stop running package servers on a host machine. You can stop running a specific server by specifying the name, or stop all running package servers with --all.

Basic command

ffx repository server stop


The options to ffx repository server stop specify which server instances are stopped.

  • No options - Running with no options will stop the running package server if there is only one running server. Otherwise, an error is returned.

  • Positional arguments - Specific servers are stopped by specifying their name on the command line as positional arguments. Only servers that have matching names are stopped.

  • --all option - This option stops all running servers.


Stop the one running server

ffx repository server stop

Stop a specific server

Stop the server named workstation_bundle:

ffx repository server stop workstation_bundle

Stop all servers

ffx repository server stop --all