When consuming an API with a hanging get, some care must
be taken to avoid losing the reference to the pending FIDL request. Some futures
combinators like Abortable
will drop the pending future,
which causes the reference to the FIDL request to be dropped too. Because
hanging gets are usually implemented in a stateful manner by protocol servers,
it may be invalid to call the hanging get method once a previous future on the
same Proxy
has been dropped.
To avoid invalidating the Proxy
when using such combinators, a good pattern is
to wrap the hanging get call in a stream
by using
// When you don't need to write down the type of the result, you can use a
// fn item, which has zero size and is statically dispatched when called.
let watch_foo_stream = HangingGetStream::new(proxy, FooWatcherProxy::watch_foo);
// Also you can use a capturing closure in that case.
let watch_bar_stream = HangingGetStream::new(proxy, |p| p.watch_bar(some_captured_var));
// If you do want to write down the type (for example when embedding this in
// another Future), you can achieve so by storing a fn pointer. A fn pointer
// can be obtained through coercion from a non-capturing closure or a fn item.
// That said, if you use a capturing closure, there is no way to name the type.
let watch_baz_stream: HangingGetStream<BazProxy, Baz> = HangingGetStream::new_with_fn_ptr(proxy, |p| p.watch_baz());
Another alternative is using the pattern below to create a stream.
fn hanging_get_stream(proxy: &FooProxy) -> impl futures::Stream<Item=Result<FooResult, fidl::Error>> + '_ {
futures::stream::try_unfold(proxy, |proxy| {
proxy.watch_foo().map_ok(move |watch_result| Some((watch_result, proxy)))
Dropping a Stream::next
future is always safe because it will not cause the
underlying FIDL request to be dropped. If the stream itself is dropped while already waiting for a
response, the response will be ignored. This is important if a FIDL server doesn't allow
multiple hanging get waiters at once.