Troubleshooting ffx starnix adb connect

If your device isn't able to use adb over USB, you can use the ffx starnix adb connect command to make a device running Android inside Starnix visible to the adb server on your development machine.

This command asks adb to connect to your device using TCP, and makes use of a network address provided by ffx for the connection.

There are a few ways this command can fail to work, this page includes guidance for addressing the common cases.

Multiple adb devices

When multiple Android devices are connected to your development machine or when the Android device is running in an emulator, you may see an error from adb that multiple devices are present and it doesn't know which one to use.

To verify if your development machine's adb server sees multiple devices, run:

adb devices -l

If the output lists multiple devices, you need to specify one for your adb commands.

To find the identifier of your device, run:

ffx starnix adb connect

You should see output like:

adb is connected!
See if it doesn't work.
This connection's "serial number" for adb is ADB_CONNECTION_ADDRESS.

Take the serial number printed by the command above and either pass it as an argument to your adb commands:


Or set an environment variable in your shell that will be used by subsequent adb commands:

adb shell ...