

本教學課程的設計是以「編譯 FIDL」教學課程為基礎。如要進一步瞭解其他 FIDL 教學課程,請參閱總覽





本教學課程附帶的範例程式碼位於 Fuchsia 檢出的 //examples/fidl/cpp/domain_objects 中。其中包含單元測試元件及其包含的套件。如要進一步瞭解如何建構單元測試元件,請參閱「建構元件」。

您可以透過下列方式,在執行中的 Fuchsia 模擬器例項上建構及執行範例:

# Add the domain objects unit test to the build.
# This only needs to be done once.
fx set core.x64 --with //examples/fidl/cpp/domain_objects
# Run the domain objects unit test.
fx test -vo fidl-examples-domain-objects-cpp-test

將 FIDL 程式庫的 C++ 繫結新增為建構依附元件

GN 建構

針對每個 FIDL 程式庫宣告 (例如 編譯 FIDL 中的宣告),系統會在原始目標名稱後方加上 _cpp,產生該程式庫的 C++ 繫結程式碼:


test 目標如下所示:

test("test") {
  testonly = true
  output_name = "fidl_examples_domain_objects_cpp_test"
  sources = [
  deps = [


請注意,這行程式碼會透過參照 _cpp 目標,新增 C++ 繫結的依附元件。

(選用) 如何查看產生的繫結:

  1. 使用 fx build 建構。
  2. 切換至產生檔案目錄:out/default/fidling/gen/examples/fidl/fuchsia.examples/fuchsia.examples/cpp/fidl/fuchsia.examples/cpp,產生檔案就位於此目錄中。如果您已設定其他建構輸出目錄,可能需要變更 out/default。您可以使用 cat .fx-build-dir 檢查建構輸出目錄。


Bazel 建構

如果依附來自 Bazel 建構的 FIDL 程式庫,如果該程式庫並非來自 SDK,就需要額外的建構規則:

# Given a FIDL library declaration like the following
    name = "fuchsia.examples",
    srcs = [
    library = "fuchsia.examples",
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],

# This rule describes the generated C++ bindings code for that library
    name = "fuchsia.examples_llcpp_cc",
    library = ":fuchsia.examples",
    visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
    deps = ["@fuchsia_sdk//pkg/fidl_cpp_v2"],

如果 FIDL 程式庫來自 Bazel SDK,則不需要執行上述步驟。

FIDL 程式庫的 C++ 繫結程式碼會在原始目標名稱後方加上 _llcpp_cc 產生:

deps = [
  # Example when depending on an SDK library, `fuchsia.io`.

  # Example when depending on a local FIDL library, `fuchsia.examples`
  # defined above.
  # Suppose the library lives in the `//path/to/fidl/library` folder.

  # ... other dependencies ...


新增建構依附元件後,您可以加入繫結標頭。包含模式為 #include <fidl/my.library.name/cpp/fidl.h>

domain_objects/main.cc 頂端的以下 include 陳述式會加入繫結,並讓產生的 API 可供原始碼使用:

#include <fidl/fuchsia.examples/cpp/fidl.h>


自然型別是 C++ 網域物件以人體工學和安全性為重點的風格。FIDL 值的樹狀結構會以具有階層擁有權的 C++ 物件樹狀結構表示。也就是說,如果函式收到自然型別的某些物件,則可假設整個樹狀結構中所有子項物件的獨特擁有權。當根物件超出範圍時,樹狀結構就會拆除。

從高層面來看,自然類型包含 std:: 容器和概念。舉例來說,資料表會以 std::optional<Field> 的集合表示。向量std::vector<T> 等。它們也實作了 C++ 的慣用移動、複製和相等性。舉例來說,資源類型只會移動,而值類型則會實作複製和移動,其中移動是為了最佳化物件的傳輸。移動資料表不會使其變空白 (只會遞迴移動欄位),類似於 std::optional


以嚴格的 fuchsia.examples/FileMode FIDL 類型和彈性的 fuchsia.examples/FlexibleFileMode FIDL 類型為例:

// Bits implement bitwise operators such as |, ~, &, ^.
auto flags = ~fuchsia_examples::FileMode::kRead & fuchsia_examples::FileMode::kExecute;
flags = fuchsia_examples::FileMode::kRead | fuchsia_examples::FileMode::kWrite;

// Bits implement the set difference operation (clearing bits) under -.
ASSERT_EQ(flags - fuchsia_examples::FileMode::kRead, fuchsia_examples::FileMode::kWrite);
flags -= fuchsia_examples::FileMode::kRead;
ASSERT_EQ(flags, fuchsia_examples::FileMode::kWrite);

// Bits may be explicitly casted to their underlying integer type.
flags = fuchsia_examples::FileMode::kRead | fuchsia_examples::FileMode::kWrite;
ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<uint16_t>(flags), 0b11);

// They may also be explicitly constructed from an underlying type, but
// this may result in invalid values for strict bits.
flags = fuchsia_examples::FileMode(0b11);

// A safer alternative is |TryFrom|, which constructs an instance of
// |FileMode| only if underlying primitive does not contain any unknown
// members that is not defined in the FIDL schema. Otherwise, returns
// |std::nullopt|.
std::optional<fuchsia_examples::FileMode> maybe_flags =

// Another alternative is |TruncatingUnknown| which clears any bits not
// defined in the FIDL schema.
fuchsia_examples::FileMode truncated_flags =
ASSERT_EQ(truncated_flags, fuchsia_examples::FileMode(0b111));

// Bits implement bitwise-assignment.
flags |= fuchsia_examples::FileMode::kExecute;

// They also support equality and expose a |kMask| that is the
// bitwise OR of all defined bit members.
ASSERT_EQ(flags, fuchsia_examples::FileMode::kMask);

// A flexible bits type additionally supports querying the unknown bits.
fuchsia_examples::FlexibleFileMode flexible_flags = fuchsia_examples::FlexibleFileMode(0b1111);
ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<uint16_t>(flexible_flags.unknown_bits()), 0b1000);


以下範例使用嚴格的 fuchsia.examples/LocationType FIDL 類型和彈性的 fuchsia.examples/FlexibleLocationType FIDL 類型:

// Enums members are scoped constants under the enum type.
fuchsia_examples::LocationType location = fuchsia_examples::LocationType::kAirport;

// They may be explicitly casted to their underlying type.
ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<uint32_t>(fuchsia_examples::LocationType::kMuseum), 1u);

// They may also be casted to their underlying type without specifying the precise type.
uint32_t strict_underlying = fidl::ToUnderlying(fuchsia_examples::LocationType::kMuseum);
ASSERT_EQ(strict_underlying, 1u);

// Enums support switch case statements.
// A strict enum can be switched exhaustively.
(void)[=] {
  switch (location) {
    case fuchsia_examples::LocationType::kAirport:
      return 1;
    case fuchsia_examples::LocationType::kMuseum:
      return 2;
    case fuchsia_examples::LocationType::kRestaurant:
      return 3;

// A flexible enum requires a `default:` case.
fuchsia_examples::FlexibleLocationType flexible_location =
(void)[=] {
  switch (flexible_location) {
    case fuchsia_examples::FlexibleLocationType::kAirport:
      return 1;
    case fuchsia_examples::FlexibleLocationType::kMuseum:
      return 2;
    case fuchsia_examples::FlexibleLocationType::kRestaurant:
      return 3;
    default:  // Removing this branch will fail to compile.
      return 4;

// A flexible enum also supports asking if the current enum value was
// not known in the FIDL schema, or marked with `@unknown`.

// Strict enums may be uninitialized. Their value will be undefined.
fuchsia_examples::LocationType strict_location;

// Flexible enums may be default initialized. They will either contain
// the member marked with `@unknown` in the FIDL schema if exists,
// or a compiler-reserved unknown value otherwise.
fuchsia_examples::FlexibleLocationType default_flexible_location;


自然結構體是簡單的記錄物件,可公開 const 和可變動的存取子。以 fuchsia.examples/Color FIDL 類型為例:

// Structs may be default constructed with fields set to default values,
// provided that all fields are also default constructible.
fuchsia_examples::Color default_color;
ASSERT_EQ(default_color.id(), 0u);
ASSERT_EQ(default_color.name(), "red");

// They support constructing by supplying fields in a sequence.
fuchsia_examples::Color blue = {1, "blue"};
ASSERT_EQ(blue.id(), 1u);

// They also support a more readable syntax that names individual fields,
// similar to C++ designated initialization. The double brace (`{{`) syntax
// is necessary to workaround C++ limitations on aggregate initialization.
fuchsia_examples::Color red{{.id = 2, .name = "red"}};
ASSERT_EQ(red.id(), 2u);
fuchsia_examples::Color designated_1 = {{.id = 1, .name = "designated"}};
ASSERT_EQ(designated_1.id(), 1u);
fuchsia_examples::Color designated_2{{.id = 2, .name = "designated"}};
ASSERT_EQ(designated_2.id(), 2u);

// Setters take the value to be set as argument.
fuchsia_examples::Color color;
ASSERT_EQ(color.id(), 100u);
ASSERT_EQ(color.name(), "green");

// Setters may also be chained.
ASSERT_EQ(color.id(), 42u);
ASSERT_EQ(color.name(), "yellow");

// Equality is implemented for value types.
ASSERT_EQ(color, fuchsia_examples::Color(42, "yellow"));

// Copies and moves.
fuchsia_examples::Color color_copy{color};
ASSERT_EQ(color_copy.name(), "yellow");
fuchsia_examples::Color color_moved{std::move(color)};
ASSERT_EQ(color_moved.name(), "yellow");
// The state of |color| is now unspecified.


自然聯集是類似 std::variant 的加總類型。以嚴格的 fuchsia.examples/JsonValue FIDL 類型和彈性的 fuchsia.examples/FlexibleJsonValue FIDL 類型為例:

// Factory functions are used to construct natural union objects.
// To construct a union whose active member is |int_value|, use |WithIntValue|.
auto int_val = fuchsia_examples::JsonValue::WithIntValue(1);

// |Which| obtains an enum corresponding to the active member, which may be
// used in switch cases.
ASSERT_EQ(int_val.Which(), fuchsia_examples::JsonValue::Tag::kIntValue);

// When directly accessing a field, one must first check if the field is
// active before dereferencing it.
ASSERT_EQ(int_val.int_value().value(), 1);

// Another example, this time activating the |string_value| member.
auto str_val = fuchsia_examples::JsonValue::WithStringValue("1");
ASSERT_EQ(str_val.Which(), fuchsia_examples::JsonValue::Tag::kStringValue);

// Unions are not default constructible, to avoid invalid states.
              "Unions cannot be default constructed");

fuchsia_examples::JsonValue value = fuchsia_examples::JsonValue::WithStringValue("hello");

// |value_or| returns a fallback if the corresponding member is not active.
ASSERT_EQ(value.int_value().value_or(42), 42);

// Setters take the value to be set as argument.
// Setting a field causes that field to become the active member.

// |take| invokes the move operation on the member if it is active.
std::optional<std::string> str = value.string_value().take();
ASSERT_EQ(str.value(), "foo");

// Equality is implemented for value types.
ASSERT_EQ(value, fuchsia_examples::JsonValue::WithStringValue("bar"));

// Copies and moves.
fuchsia_examples::JsonValue value_copy{value};
ASSERT_EQ(value.string_value().value(), "bar");
fuchsia_examples::JsonValue value_moved{std::move(value)};
ASSERT_EQ(value_moved.string_value().value(), "bar");

// When switching over the tag from a flexible union, one must add a `default:`
// case, to handle members not understood by the FIDL schema or to handle
// newly added members in a source compatible way.
fuchsia_examples::FlexibleJsonValue flexible_value =
switch (flexible_value.Which()) {
  case fuchsia_examples::FlexibleJsonValue::Tag::kIntValue:
    ASSERT_EQ(flexible_value.int_value().value(), 1);
  case fuchsia_examples::FlexibleJsonValue::Tag::kStringValue:
    FAIL() << "Unexpected tag. |flexible_value| was set to int";
  default:  // Removing this branch will fail to compile.


自然表格是記錄類型,其中每個欄位都是選填欄位。以 fuchsia.examples/User FIDL 類型為例:

// A default constructed table is empty. That is, every field is absent.
fuchsia_examples::User user;

// Each accessor returns a |std::optional<T>|, where |T| is the field type.

// Setters take the value to be set as argument.
user.age(*user.age() + 100);
ASSERT_EQ(user.age().value(), 200);

// Setters may also be chained.
ASSERT_EQ(user.name().value(), "foo");
ASSERT_EQ(user.age().value(), 30);

// Since each field is an |std::optional<T>|, they may also be cleared.

// Assigning an |std::nullopt| also clears the field.
user.name() = std::nullopt;

// |value_or| returns a fallback if the corresponding field is absent.
ASSERT_EQ(user.name().value_or("anonymous"), "anonymous");

// Similar to structs, tables support constructing by naming individual fields.
// Fields that are omitted from the designated initialization syntax will be
// absent from the table.
user = {{.age = 100, .name = "foo"}};

user = {{.age = 100}};

// Equality is implemented for value types.
ASSERT_EQ(user, fuchsia_examples::User{{.age = 100}});

// Copies and moves.
fuchsia_examples::User user_copy{user};
ASSERT_EQ(*user.age(), 100);
fuchsia_examples::User user_moved{std::move(user)};
ASSERT_EQ(*user_moved.age(), 100);


Wire 類型是 C++ 網域物件的效能導向風格。與維持階層物件擁有權的自然類型不同,線路物件永遠不會擁有離線子項。子項物件是否以內嵌或離線方式儲存,取決於 FIDL 線路格式

自然類型可能會隱含地將必要的儲存空間分配給堆積。相反地,使用者可以完全控管線路類型的記憶體配置。舉例來說,您可以在堆疊上從記憶體集區或大型物件的一部分,配置 FIDL 向量的元素。線路向量類型 fidl::VectorView<T> 是未擁有的檢視類型,包含原始指標和長度。您可以透過此類型借用元素,將向量傳送為 FIDL 要求的一部分,而無需額外堆積分配。

為了與自然類型區分開,FIDL 程式庫的線路類型會在 ...::wire 巢狀命名空間中定義,例如 fuchsia_my_library::wire



由於位元和列舉具有非常簡單的記憶體配置,且沒有任何離線子項,因此 FIDL 位元和列舉的匯流排類型與其自然類型相同。為與整體命名空間命名設定檔保持一致,位元和列舉會設為 fuchsia_my_library::wire 巢狀命名空間別名,並與線結構體、聯合體和表格一同顯示。

fuchsia.examples/FileMode FIDL 位元為例,fuchsia_examples::wire::FileModefuchsia_examples::FileMode 的類型別名。

static_assert(std::is_same<fuchsia_examples::FileMode, fuchsia_examples::wire::FileMode>::value,
              "natural bits should be equivalent to wire bits");
static_assert(fuchsia_examples::FileMode::kMask == fuchsia_examples::wire::FileMode::kMask,
              "natural bits should be equivalent to wire bits");

using fuchsia_examples::wire::FileMode;
auto flags = FileMode::kRead | FileMode::kWrite | FileMode::kExecute;
ASSERT_EQ(flags, FileMode::kMask);

同樣地,以 fuchsia.examples/LocationType FIDL 列舉為例,fuchsia_examples::wire::LocationTypefuchsia_examples::LocationType 的類型別名。

    std::is_same<fuchsia_examples::LocationType, fuchsia_examples::wire::LocationType>::value,
    "natural enums should be equivalent to wire enums");

ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<uint32_t>(fuchsia_examples::wire::LocationType::kMuseum), 1u);

Wire 結構體

Wire 結構體是簡單的 C++ 結構體,可用於儲存公開成員變數。以 fuchsia.examples/Color FIDL 類型為例:

// Wire structs are simple C++ structs with all their member fields declared
// public. One may invoke aggregate initialization:
fuchsia_examples::wire::Color blue = {1, "blue"};
ASSERT_EQ(blue.id, 1u);
ASSERT_EQ(blue.name.get(), "blue");

// ..or designated initialization.
fuchsia_examples::wire::Color blue_designated = {.id = 1, .name = "blue"};
ASSERT_EQ(blue_designated.id, 1u);
ASSERT_EQ(blue_designated.name.get(), "blue");

// A wire struct may be default constructed, but user-defined default values
// are not supported.
// Default-initializing a struct means all fields are zero-initialized.
fuchsia_examples::wire::Color default_color;
ASSERT_EQ(default_color.id, 0u);

// There are no getters/setters. One simply reads or mutates the member field.
blue.id = 2;
ASSERT_EQ(blue.id, 2u);

// Here we demonstrate that wire structs do not own their out-of-line children.
// Copying a struct will not copy their out-of-line children. Pointers are
// simply aliased.
  fuchsia_examples::wire::Color blue2 = blue;
  ASSERT_EQ(blue2.name.data(), blue.name.data());
// Similarly, destroying a wire struct object does not destroy out-of-line
// children. Destroying |blue2| does not invalidate the string contents in |name|.
ASSERT_EQ(blue.name.get(), "blue");


線路聯集是總和類型,其記憶體配置類似於判別符標記,後面接著是對有效成員的參照。以嚴格的 fuchsia.examples/JsonValue FIDL 類型和彈性的 fuchsia.examples/FlexibleJsonValue FIDL 類型為例:

// When the active member is larger than 4 bytes, it is stored out-of-line,
// and the union will borrow the out-of-line content. The lifetimes can be
// tricky to reason about, hence the FIDL runtime provides a |fidl::AnyArena|
// interface for arena-based allocation of members. The built-in
// implementation is |fidl::Arena|.
// Pass the arena as the first argument to |With...| factory functions, to
// construct the member content on the arena, and have the union reference it.
fidl::Arena arena;
fuchsia_examples::wire::JsonValue str_union =
    fuchsia_examples::wire::JsonValue::WithStringValue(arena, "1");

// |Which| obtains an enum corresponding to the active member, which may be
// used in switch cases.
ASSERT_EQ(str_union.Which(), fuchsia_examples::wire::JsonValue::Tag::kStringValue);

// Before accessing the |string_value| member, one should check if the union
// indeed currently holds this member, by querying |is_string_value|.
// Accessing the wrong member will cause a panic.
ASSERT_EQ("1", str_union.string_value().get());

// When the active member is smaller or equal to 4 bytes, such as an
// |int32_t| here, the entire member is inlined into the union object.
// In these cases, arena allocation is not necessary, and the union
// object wholly owns the member.
fuchsia_examples::wire::JsonValue int_union = fuchsia_examples::wire::JsonValue::WithIntValue(1);
ASSERT_EQ(1, int_union.int_value());

// A default constructed wire union is invalid.
// It must be initialized with a valid member before use.
// One is not allowed to send invalid unions through FIDL client/server APIs.
fuchsia_examples::wire::JsonValue default_union;
default_union = fuchsia_examples::wire::JsonValue::WithStringValue(arena, "hello");
ASSERT_EQ(default_union.string_value().get(), "hello");

// Optional unions are represented with |fidl::WireOptional|.
fidl::WireOptional<fuchsia_examples::wire::JsonValue> optional_json;
optional_json = fuchsia_examples::wire::JsonValue::WithIntValue(42);
// |fidl::WireOptional| has a |std::optional|-like API.
fuchsia_examples::wire::JsonValue& value = optional_json.value();

// When switching over the tag from a flexible union, one must add a `default:`
// case, to handle members not understood by the FIDL schema or to handle
// newly added members in a source compatible way.
fuchsia_examples::wire::FlexibleJsonValue flexible_value =
switch (flexible_value.Which()) {
  case fuchsia_examples::wire::FlexibleJsonValue::Tag::kIntValue:
    ASSERT_EQ(flexible_value.int_value(), 1);
  case fuchsia_examples::wire::FlexibleJsonValue::Tag::kStringValue:
    FAIL() << "Unexpected tag. |flexible_value| was set to int";
  default:  // Removing this branch will fail to compile.


線路表是記錄類型,其中每個欄位均為選填欄位。與自然資料表不同,線路資料表不擁有任何成員欄位。複製線路表就像為指標建立別名 (複製) 一樣。與指標類似,移動線路表也是反模式,因為這等同於複製。

由於線路表的記憶體版面配置限制,因此一律會使用相關聯的 Builder 類型建立新例項。建立資料表後,您可能無法新增新成員或清除現有成員。

fuchsia.examples/User FIDL 類型為例:

fidl::Arena arena;
// To construct a wire table, you need to first create a corresponding
// |Builder| object, which borrows an arena. The |arena| will be used to
// allocate the table frame, a bookkeeping structure for field presence.
auto builder = fuchsia_examples::wire::User::Builder(arena);

// To set a table field, call the member function with the same name on the
// builder. The arguments will be forwarded to the field constructor, and the
// field is allocated on the initial |arena|.

// Note that only the inline portion of the field is automatically placed in
// the arena. The field itself may reference its own out-of-line content,
// such as in the case of |name| whose type is |fidl::StringView|. |name|
// will reference the "jdoe" literal, which lives in static program storage.

// Call |Build| to finalize the table builder into a |User| table.
// The builder is no longer needed after this point. |user| will continue to
// reference objects allocated in the |arena|.
fuchsia_examples::wire::User user = builder.Build();

// Before accessing a field, one should check if it is present, by querying
// |has_...|. Accessing an absent field will panic.
ASSERT_EQ(user.name().get(), "jdoe");

// Setters may be chained, leading to a fluent syntax.
user = fuchsia_examples::wire::User::Builder(arena).age(30).name("bob").Build();
ASSERT_EQ(user.age(), 30);
ASSERT_EQ(user.name().get(), "bob");

// A default constructed wire table is empty.
// This is mostly useful to make requests or replies with empty tables.
fuchsia_examples::wire::User defaulted_user;

// In some situations it could be difficult to provide an arena when
// constructing tables. For example, here it is hard to provide constructor
// arguments to 10 tables at once. Because a default constructed wire table is
// empty, a new table instance should be built and assigned in its place.
fidl::Array<fuchsia_examples::wire::User, 10> users;
for (auto& user : users) {
  user = fuchsia_examples::wire::User::Builder(arena).age(30).Build();
  ASSERT_EQ(user.age(), 30);
ASSERT_EQ(users[0].age(), 30);

// Finally, tables support checking if it was received with unknown fields.
// A table created by ourselves will never have unknown fields.



為簡化互通性,您可以呼叫 fidl::ToWirefidl::ToNatural 函式,在線路和自然網域物件之間進行轉換。以 fuchsia.examples/User FIDL 類型為例:


// Let's start with a natural table.
fuchsia_examples::User user{{.age = 100, .name = "foo"}};

// To convert it to its corresponding wire domain object, we need a
// |fidl::AnyArena| implementation to allocate the storage, here an |arena|.
fidl::Arena arena;

// Call |fidl::ToWire| with the arena and the natural domain object.
// All out-of-line fields will live on the |arena|.
fuchsia_examples::wire::User wire_user = fidl::ToWire(arena, user);
ASSERT_EQ(wire_user.age(), 100);
ASSERT_EQ(wire_user.name().get(), "foo");


fidl::Arena arena;

// Let's start with a wire table.
fuchsia_examples::wire::User wire_user =

// Call |fidl::ToNatural| with the wire domain object.
// All child fields will be owned by |user|.
fuchsia_examples::User user = fidl::ToNatural(wire_user);
ASSERT_EQ(user.age().value(), 30);
ASSERT_EQ(user.name().value(), "bob");


您可以使用 fidl::Persist 將自然或線路網域物件序列化為位元組向量,主要用途是長期資料持久性。

fidl::Unpersist 會將位元組序列反序列化並複製到自然網域物件的某個例項。

fidl::InplaceUnpersist 會將位元組序列反序列化為某個線路網域物件例項,並在過程中變更位元組。

FIDL 食譜:持久性

「Persistent」PersistentFIDL 是指沒有基礎傳輸機制的線路編碼二進位 FIDL 資料。而是使用持續性的位元組導向介面 (例如檔案或資料庫項目),將資料儲存一段不定時間。

如要擴充鍵/值儲存庫以支援匯出備份,最簡單的方法就是新增可停止世界、序列化儲存庫狀態,並將其傳回為 FIDL vector<Item> 的新方法。不過,這種做法有兩個缺點。第一個原因是,備份作業的所有負擔都落在伺服器上 - 用戶端不必付費就能要求備份作業,但對伺服器來說,這項作業的成本非常高。第二個原因是,這項作業涉及大量複製作業:用戶端幾乎肯定會在收到備份檔案後,將產生的備份寫入某些備援資料儲存庫 (例如檔案或資料庫)。讓它解碼這個 (可能非常大的) FIDL 物件,只為了讓它在將實際儲存的任何通訊協定轉送給它時,能立即重新編碼,這非常浪費。


更理想的做法是使用 zircon 的虛擬記憶體物件。我們可以使用桶連鎖方法,在用戶端上儲存備份資料,然後將其傳送至伺服器,再轉送回目標資料儲存庫,而不需要在過程中進行反序列化。只要目標資料儲存庫的通訊協定允許使用 VMO 傳輸資料,這就是完成這類耗用大量資源的作業的首選方式。事實上,Fuchsia 的檔案系統就是實作這個模式。這種做法的優點是,當用戶端要求伺服器執行耗用大量資源的作業時,會強制執行端執行一些工作,盡可能減少雙方之間的工作不平衡情形。

您可以使用 FIDL 資料儲存二進位格式,將 FIDL 值類型儲存至任何以位元組為導向的儲存媒體。我們會將新推出的 FIDL 類型 Exportable 儲存至 VMO。系統會對物件進行編碼並寫入儲存空間 (在本例中為稍後可儲存為檔案的 VMO),並在需要再次存取資料時進行解碼。這與透過 IPC 使用 FIDL 時,稍後對訊息進行編碼、傳輸及解碼的做法非常相似。

為了安全地執行這項操作並遵守最低權限原則,我們應限制代表 VMO 的句柄可能會攜帶的權限。輸入句柄權利,這是 FIDL 的一流方法,可說明特定句柄類型可用的權限。在這種情況下,我們允許在 Export 要求中傳遞至伺服器的 empty VMO 進行讀取、查詢大小、調整大小及寫入。當 VMO 傳回時,我們會移除調整大小和寫入權限,確保在系統傳輸過程中,任何程序 (甚至是某些遠端元件中的惡意行為者) 都無法修改這項資料。


FIDL、CML 和領域介面定義如下:


// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library examples.keyvaluestore.supportexports;

using zx;

/// An item in the store. The key must match the regex `^[A-z][A-z0-9_\.\/]{2,62}[A-z0-9]$`. That
/// is, it must start with a letter, end with a letter or number, contain only letters, numbers,
/// periods, and slashes, and be between 4 and 64 characters long.
type Item = struct {
    key string:128;
    value vector<byte>:64000;

/// An enumeration of things that may go wrong when trying to write a value to our store.
type WriteError = flexible enum {
    UNKNOWN = 0;
    INVALID_KEY = 1;

/// An enumeration of things that may go wrong when trying to mint an export.
type ExportError = flexible enum {
    UNKNOWN = 0;
    EMPTY = 1;

// A data type describing the structure of a single export. We never actually send this data type
// over the wire (we use the file's VMO instead), but whenever data needs to be written to/read from
// its backing storage as persistent FIDL, it will have this schema.
/// The items should be sorted in ascending order, following lexicographic ordering of their keys.
type Exportable = table {
    1: items vector<Item>;

/// A very basic key-value store - so basic, in fact, that one may only write to it, never read!
open protocol Store {
    /// Writes an item to the store.
    flexible WriteItem(struct {
        attempt Item;
    }) -> () error WriteError;

    /// Exports the entire store as a persistent [`Exportable`] FIDL object into a VMO provided by
    /// the client.
    /// By having the client provide (and speculatively size) the VMO, we force the party requesting
    /// the relatively heavy load of generating a backup to acknowledge and bear some of the costs.
    /// This method operates by having the client supply an empty VMO, which the server then
    /// attempts to fill. Notice that the server removes the `zx.Rights.WRITE` and
    /// `zx.Rights.SET_PROPERTY` rights from the returned VMO - not even the requesting client may
    /// alter the backup once it has been minted by the server.
    flexible Export(resource struct {
        /// Note that the empty VMO has more rights than the filled one being returned: it has
        /// `zx.Rights.WRITE` (via `zx.RIGHTS_IO`) so that the VMO may be filled with exported data,
        /// and `zx.Rights.SET_PROPERTY` (via `zx.RIGHTS_PROPERTY`) so that it may be resized to
        /// truncate any remaining empty buffer.
        empty zx.Handle:<VMO, zx.RIGHTS_BASIC | zx.RIGHTS_PROPERTY | zx.RIGHTS_IO>;
    }) -> (resource struct {
        /// The `zx.Rights.WRITE` and `zx.Rights.SET_PROPERTY` rights have been removed from the now
        /// filled VMO. No one, not even the client that requested the export, is able to modify
        /// this VMO going forward.
        filled zx.Handle:<VMO, zx.RIGHTS_BASIC | zx.Rights.GET_PROPERTY | zx.Rights.READ>;
    }) error ExportError;



// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
    include: [ "syslog/client.shard.cml" ],
    program: {
        runner: "elf",
        binary: "bin/client_bin",
    use: [
        { protocol: "examples.keyvaluestore.supportexports.Store" },
    config: {
        write_items: {
            type: "vector",
            max_count: 16,
            element: {
                type: "string",
                max_size: 64,

        // The size, in bytes, allotted to the export VMO
        max_export_size: { type: "uint64" },



// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
    include: [ "syslog/client.shard.cml" ],
    program: {
        runner: "elf",
        binary: "bin/server_bin",
    capabilities: [
        { protocol: "examples.keyvaluestore.supportexports.Store" },
    expose: [
            protocol: "examples.keyvaluestore.supportexports.Store",
            from: "self",


// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
    children: [
            name: "client",
            url: "#meta/client.cm",
            name: "server",
            url: "#meta/server.cm",
    offer: [
        // Route the protocol under test from the server to the client.
            protocol: "examples.keyvaluestore.supportexports.Store",
            from: "#server",
            to: "#client",

        // Route diagnostics support to all children.
            dictionary: "diagnostics",
            from: "parent",
            to: [




// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

use anyhow::{Context as _, Error};
use config::Config;
use fuchsia_component::client::connect_to_protocol;
use std::{thread, time};

use fidl::unpersist;
use fidl_examples_keyvaluestore_supportexports::{Exportable, Item, StoreMarker};
use zx::Vmo;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {

    // Load the structured config values passed to this component at startup.
    let config = Config::take_from_startup_handle();

    // Use the Component Framework runtime to connect to the newly spun up server component. We wrap
    // our retained client end in a proxy object that lets us asynchronously send `Store` requests
    // across the channel.
    let store = connect_to_protocol::<StoreMarker>()?;
    println!("Outgoing connection enabled");

    // This client's structured config has one parameter, a vector of strings. Each string is the
    // path to a resource file whose filename is a key and whose contents are a value. We iterate
    // over them and try to write each key-value pair to the remote store.
    for key in config.write_items.into_iter() {
        let path = format!("/pkg/data/{}.txt", key);
        let value = std::fs::read_to_string(path.clone())
            .with_context(|| format!("Failed to load {path}"))?;
        match store.write_item(&Item { key: key, value: value.into_bytes() }).await? {
            Ok(_) => println!("WriteItem Success"),
            Err(err) => println!("WriteItem Error: {}", err.into_primitive()),

    // If the `max_export_size` is 0, no export is possible, so just ignore this block. This check
    // isn't strictly necessary, but does avoid extra work down the line.
    if config.max_export_size > 0 {
        // Create a 100Kb VMO to store the resulting export. In a real implementation, we would
        // likely receive the VMO representing the to-be-written file from file system like vfs of
        // fxfs.
        let vmo = Vmo::create(config.max_export_size)?;

        // Send the VMO to the server, to be populated with the current state of the key-value
        // store.
        match store.export(vmo).await? {
            Err(err) => {
                println!("Export Error: {}", err.into_primitive());
            Ok(output) => {
                println!("Export Success");

                // Read the exported data (encoded in byte form as persistent FIDL) from the
                // returned VMO. In a real implementation, instead of reading the VMO, we would
                // merely forward it to some other storage-handling process. Doing this using a VMO,
                // rather than FIDL IPC, would save us frivolous reads and writes at each hop.
                let content_size = output.get_content_size().unwrap();
                let mut encoded_bytes = vec![0; content_size as usize];
                output.read(&mut encoded_bytes, 0)?;

                // Decode the persistent FIDL that was just read from the file.
                let exportable = unpersist::<Exportable>(&encoded_bytes).unwrap();
                let items = exportable.items.expect("must always be set");

                // Log some information about the exported data.
                println!("Printing {} exported entries, which are:", items.len());
                for item in items.iter() {
                    println!("  * {}", item.key);

    // TODO(https://fxbug.dev/42156498): We need to sleep here to make sure all logs get drained. Once the
    // referenced bug has been resolved, we can remove the sleep.


// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

use anyhow::{Context as _, Error};
use fuchsia_component::server::ServiceFs;
use futures::prelude::*;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use regex::Regex;
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::collections::hash_map::Entry;
use std::collections::HashMap;

use fidl::{persist, Vmo};
use fidl_examples_keyvaluestore_supportexports::{
    ExportError, Exportable, Item, StoreRequest, StoreRequestStream, WriteError,

lazy_static! {
    static ref KEY_VALIDATION_REGEX: Regex =
        Regex::new(r"^[A-Za-z]\w+[A-Za-z0-9]$").expect("Key validation regex failed to compile");

/// Handler for the `WriteItem` method.
fn write_item(store: &mut HashMap<String, Vec<u8>>, attempt: Item) -> Result<(), WriteError> {
    // Validate the key.
    if !KEY_VALIDATION_REGEX.is_match(attempt.key.as_str()) {
        println!("Write error: INVALID_KEY, For key: {}", attempt.key);
        return Err(WriteError::InvalidKey);

    // Validate the value.
    if attempt.value.is_empty() {
        println!("Write error: INVALID_VALUE, For key: {}", attempt.key);
        return Err(WriteError::InvalidValue);

    // Write to the store, validating that the key did not already exist.
    match store.entry(attempt.key) {
        Entry::Occupied(entry) => {
            println!("Write error: ALREADY_EXISTS, For key: {}", entry.key());
        Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
            println!("Wrote value at key: {}", entry.key());

/// Handler for the `Export` method.
fn export(store: &mut HashMap<String, Vec<u8>>, vmo: Vmo) -> Result<Vmo, ExportError> {
    // Empty stores cannot be exported.
    if store.is_empty() {
        return Err(ExportError::Empty);

    // Build the `Exportable` vector locally. That means iterating over the map, and turning it into
    // a vector of items instead.
    let mut exportable = Exportable::default();
    let mut items = store
        .map(|entry| return Item { key: entry.0.clone(), value: entry.1.clone() })
    items.sort_by(|a, b| a.key.cmp(&b.key));
    exportable.items = Some(items);

    // Encode the bytes - there is a bug in persistent FIDL if this operation fails. Even if it
    // succeeds, make sure to check that the VMO has enough space to handle the encoded export data.
    let encoded_bytes = persist(&exportable).map_err(|_| ExportError::Unknown)?;
    if encoded_bytes.len() as u64 > vmo.get_content_size().map_err(|_| ExportError::Unknown)? {
        return Err(ExportError::StorageTooSmall);

    // Write the (now encoded) persistent FIDL data to the VMO.
    vmo.set_content_size(&(encoded_bytes.len() as u64)).map_err(|_| ExportError::Unknown)?;
    vmo.write(&encoded_bytes, 0).map_err(|_| ExportError::Unknown)?;

/// Creates a new instance of the server. Each server has its own bespoke, per-connection instance
/// of the key-value store.
async fn run_server(stream: StoreRequestStream) -> Result<(), Error> {
    // Create a new in-memory key-value store. The store will live for the lifetime of the
    // connection between the server and this particular client.
    let store = RefCell::new(HashMap::<String, Vec<u8>>::new());

    // Serve all requests on the protocol sequentially - a new request is not handled until its
    // predecessor has been processed.
        .map(|result| result.context("failed request"))
        .try_for_each(|request| async {
            // Match based on the method being invoked.
            match request {
                StoreRequest::WriteItem { attempt, responder } => {
                    println!("WriteItem request received");

                    // The `responder` parameter is a special struct that manages the outgoing reply
                    // to this method call. Calling `send` on the responder exactly once will send
                    // the reply.
                        .send(write_item(&mut store.borrow_mut(), attempt))
                        .context("error sending reply")?;
                    println!("WriteItem response sent");
                StoreRequest::Export { empty, responder } => {
                    println!("Export request received");

                        .send(export(&mut store.borrow_mut(), empty))
                        .context("error sending reply")?;
                    println!("Export response sent");
                } //
                StoreRequest::_UnknownMethod { ordinal, .. } => {
                    println!("Received an unknown method with ordinal {ordinal}");

// A helper enum that allows us to treat a `Store` service instance as a value.
enum IncomingService {

async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {

    // Add a discoverable instance of our `Store` protocol - this will allow the client to see the
    // server and connect to it.
    let mut fs = ServiceFs::new_local();
    println!("Listening for incoming connections");

    // The maximum number of concurrent clients that may be served by this process.
    const MAX_CONCURRENT: usize = 10;

    // Serve each connection simultaneously, up to the `MAX_CONCURRENT` limit.
    fs.for_each_concurrent(MAX_CONCURRENT, |IncomingService::Store(stream)| {
        run_server(stream).unwrap_or_else(|e| println!("{:?}", e))


C++ (自然)


// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include <fidl/examples.keyvaluestore.supportexports/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/async-loop/cpp/loop.h>
#include <lib/component/incoming/cpp/protocol.h>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <examples/fidl/new/key_value_store/support_exports/cpp_natural/client/config.h>
#include <src/lib/files/file.h>
#include <src/lib/fxl/strings/string_printf.h>

int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
  FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Started";

  // Retrieve component configuration.
  auto conf = config::Config::TakeFromStartupHandle();

  // Start up an async loop and dispatcher.
  async::Loop loop(&kAsyncLoopConfigNeverAttachToThread);
  async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher = loop.dispatcher();

  // Connect to the protocol inside the component's namespace. This can fail so it's wrapped in a
  // |zx::result| and it must be checked for errors.
  zx::result client_end = component::Connect<examples_keyvaluestore_supportexports::Store>();
  if (!client_end.is_ok()) {
    FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Synchronous error when connecting to the |Store| protocol: "
                   << client_end.status_string();
    return -1;

  // Create an asynchronous client using the newly-established connection.
  fidl::Client client(std::move(*client_end), dispatcher);
  FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Outgoing connection enabled";

  for (const auto& action : conf.write_items()) {
    std::string text;
    if (!files::ReadFileToString(fxl::StringPrintf("/pkg/data/%s.txt", action.c_str()), &text)) {
      FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "It looks like the correct `resource` dependency has not been packaged";

    auto value = std::vector<uint8_t>(text.begin(), text.end());
    client->WriteItem(examples_keyvaluestore_supportexports::Item(action, value))
            [&](fidl::Result<examples_keyvaluestore_supportexports::Store::WriteItem> result) {
              // Check if the FIDL call succeeded or not.
              if (!result.is_ok()) {
                if (result.error_value().is_framework_error()) {
                  FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Unexpected FIDL framework error: " << result.error_value();
                } else {
                  FX_LOGS(INFO) << "WriteItem Error: "
                                << fidl::ToUnderlying(result.error_value().domain_error());
              } else {
                FX_LOGS(INFO) << "WriteItem Success";

              // Quit the loop, thereby handing control back to the outer loop of actions being
              // iterated over.

    // Run the loop until the callback is resolved, at which point we can continue from here.

  // If the `max_export_size` is 0, no export is possible, so just ignore this block. This check
  // isn't strictly necessary, but does avoid extra work down the line.
  if (conf.max_export_size() > 0) {
    // Create a 100Kb VMO to store the resulting export. In a real implementation, we would
    // likely receive the VMO representing the to-be-written file from file system like vfs of
    // fxfs.
    zx::vmo vmo;
    if (zx_status_t status = zx::vmo::create(conf.max_export_size(), 0, &vmo); status != ZX_OK) {
      FX_PLOGS(ERROR, status) << "Failed to create VMO";
      return -1;

            [&](fidl::Result<examples_keyvaluestore_supportexports::Store::Export>& result) {
              // Quit the loop, thereby handing control back to the outer loop of actions being
              // iterated over, when we return from this callback.

              if (!result.is_ok()) {
                if (result.error_value().is_framework_error()) {
                  FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Unexpected FIDL framework error: " << result.error_value();
                } else {
                  FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Export Error: "
                                << fidl::ToUnderlying(result.error_value().domain_error());

              FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Export Success";
              // Read the exported data (encoded in byte form as persistent FIDL) from the
              // returned VMO. In a real implementation, instead of reading the VMO, we would
              // merely forward it to some other storage-handling process. Doing this using a VMO,
              // rather than FIDL IPC, would save us frivolous reads and writes at each hop.
              size_t content_size = 0;
              zx::vmo vmo = std::move(result->filled());
              if (vmo.get_prop_content_size(&content_size) != ZX_OK) {
              std::vector<uint8_t> encoded_bytes;
              if (vmo.read(encoded_bytes.data(), 0, content_size) != ZX_OK) {
              // Decode the persistent FIDL that was just read from the file.
              fit::result exportable =
              if (exportable.is_error()) {
                FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Failed to unpersist: " << exportable.error_value();
              if (!exportable->items().has_value()) {
                FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Expected items to be set";
              auto& items = exportable->items().value();

              // Log some information about the exported data.
              FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Printing " << items.size() << " exported entries, which are:";
              for (const auto& item : items) {
                FX_LOGS(INFO) << "  * " << item.key();

    // Run the loop until the callback is resolved, at which point we can continue from here.

  // TODO(https://fxbug.dev/42156498): We need to sleep here to make sure all logs get drained. Once the
  // referenced bug has been resolved, we can remove the sleep.
  return 0;


// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include <fidl/examples.keyvaluestore.supportexports/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/async-loop/cpp/loop.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/task.h>
#include <lib/component/outgoing/cpp/outgoing_directory.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/wire/channel.h>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <algorithm>

#include <re2/re2.h>

// An implementation of the |Store| protocol.
class StoreImpl final : public fidl::Server<examples_keyvaluestore_supportexports::Store> {
  // Bind this implementation to a channel.
  StoreImpl(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
            fidl::ServerEnd<examples_keyvaluestore_supportexports::Store> server_end)
      : binding_(fidl::BindServer(
            dispatcher, std::move(server_end), this,
            [this](StoreImpl* impl, fidl::UnbindInfo info,
                   fidl::ServerEnd<examples_keyvaluestore_supportexports::Store> server_end) {
              if (info.reason() != ::fidl::Reason::kPeerClosedWhileReading) {
                FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Shutdown unexpectedly";
              delete this;
            })) {}

  void WriteItem(WriteItemRequest& request, WriteItemCompleter::Sync& completer) override {
    FX_LOGS(INFO) << "WriteItem request received";
    auto key = request.attempt().key();
    auto value = request.attempt().value();

    // Validate the key.
    if (!RE2::FullMatch(key, "^[A-Za-z]\\w+[A-Za-z0-9]$")) {
      FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Write error: INVALID_KEY, For key: " << key;
      FX_LOGS(INFO) << "WriteItem response sent";
      return completer.Reply(

    // Validate the value.
    if (value.empty()) {
      FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Write error: INVALID_VALUE, For key: " << key;
      FX_LOGS(INFO) << "WriteItem response sent";
      return completer.Reply(

    if (key_value_store_.find(key) != key_value_store_.end()) {
      FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Write error: ALREADY_EXISTS, For key: " << key;
      FX_LOGS(INFO) << "WriteItem response sent";
      return completer.Reply(

    // Ensure that the value does not already exist in the store.
    key_value_store_.insert({key, value});
    FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Wrote value at key: " << key;
    FX_LOGS(INFO) << "WriteItem response sent";
    return completer.Reply(fit::ok());

  void Export(ExportRequest& request, ExportCompleter::Sync& completer) override {
    FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Export request received";
    FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Export response sent";

  void handle_unknown_method(
      fidl::UnknownMethodMetadata<examples_keyvaluestore_supportexports::Store> metadata,
      fidl::UnknownMethodCompleter::Sync& completer) override {
    FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Received an unknown method with ordinal " << metadata.method_ordinal;

  using ExportError = ::examples_keyvaluestore_supportexports::ExportError;
  using Exportable = ::examples_keyvaluestore_supportexports::Exportable;
  using Item = ::examples_keyvaluestore_supportexports::Item;

  fit::result<ExportError, zx::vmo> Export(zx::vmo vmo) {
    if (key_value_store_.empty()) {
      return fit::error(ExportError::kEmpty);
    Exportable exportable;
    std::vector<Item> items;
    for (const auto& [k, v] : key_value_store_) {
      items.push_back(Item{{.key = k, .value = v}});
    std::sort(items.begin(), items.end(),
              [](const Item& a, const Item& b) { return a.key() < b.key(); });
    fit::result encoded = fidl::Persist(exportable);
    if (encoded.is_error()) {
      FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Failed to encode in persistence convention: " << encoded.error_value();
      return fit::error(ExportError::kUnknown);
    size_t content_size = 0;
    if (vmo.get_prop_content_size(&content_size) != ZX_OK) {
      return fit::error(ExportError::kUnknown);
    if (encoded->size() > content_size) {
      return fit::error(ExportError::kStorageTooSmall);
    if (vmo.set_prop_content_size(encoded->size()) != ZX_OK) {
      return fit::error(ExportError::kUnknown);
    if (vmo.write(encoded->data(), 0, encoded->size()) != ZX_OK) {
      return fit::error(ExportError::kUnknown);
    return fit::ok(std::move(vmo));

  fidl::ServerBindingRef<examples_keyvaluestore_supportexports::Store> binding_;

  // The map that serves as the per-connection instance of the key-value store.
  std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<uint8_t>> key_value_store_ = {};

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Started";

  // The event loop is used to asynchronously listen for incoming connections and requests from the
  // client. The following initializes the loop, and obtains the dispatcher, which will be used when
  // binding the server implementation to a channel.
  async::Loop loop(&kAsyncLoopConfigNeverAttachToThread);
  async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher = loop.dispatcher();

  // Create an |OutgoingDirectory| instance.
  // The |component::OutgoingDirectory| class serves the outgoing directory for our component. This
  // directory is where the outgoing FIDL protocols are installed so that they can be provided to
  // other components.
  component::OutgoingDirectory outgoing = component::OutgoingDirectory(dispatcher);

  // The `ServeFromStartupInfo()` function sets up the outgoing directory with the startup handle.
  // The startup handle is a handle provided to every component by the system, so that they can
  // serve capabilities (e.g. FIDL protocols) to other components.
  zx::result result = outgoing.ServeFromStartupInfo();
  if (result.is_error()) {
    FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Failed to serve outgoing directory: " << result.status_string();
    return -1;

  // Register a handler for components trying to connect to |Store|.
  result = outgoing.AddUnmanagedProtocol<examples_keyvaluestore_supportexports::Store>(
      [dispatcher](fidl::ServerEnd<examples_keyvaluestore_supportexports::Store> server_end) {
        // Create an instance of our StoreImpl that destroys itself when the connection closes.
        new StoreImpl(dispatcher, std::move(server_end));
  if (result.is_error()) {
    FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Failed to add Store protocol: " << result.status_string();
    return -1;

  // Everything is wired up. Sit back and run the loop until an incoming connection wakes us up.
  FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Listening for incoming connections";
  return 0;

C++ (Wire)


// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include <fidl/examples.keyvaluestore.supportexports/cpp/wire.h>
#include <lib/async-loop/cpp/loop.h>
#include <lib/component/incoming/cpp/protocol.h>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <examples/fidl/new/key_value_store/support_exports/cpp_wire/client/config.h>
#include <src/lib/files/file.h>
#include <src/lib/fxl/strings/string_printf.h>

int main(int argc, const char** argv) {
  FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Started";

  // Retrieve component configuration.
  auto conf = config::Config::TakeFromStartupHandle();

  // Start up an async loop and dispatcher.
  async::Loop loop(&kAsyncLoopConfigNeverAttachToThread);
  async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher = loop.dispatcher();

  // Connect to the protocol inside the component's namespace. This can fail so it's wrapped in a
  // |zx::result| and it must be checked for errors.
  zx::result client_end = component::Connect<examples_keyvaluestore_supportexports::Store>();
  if (!client_end.is_ok()) {
    FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Synchronous error when connecting to the |Store| protocol: "
                   << client_end.status_string();
    return -1;

  // Create an asynchronous client using the newly-established connection.
  fidl::WireClient client(std::move(*client_end), dispatcher);
  FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Outgoing connection enabled";

  for (const auto& key : conf.write_items()) {
    std::string text;
    if (!files::ReadFileToString(fxl::StringPrintf("/pkg/data/%s.txt", key.c_str()), &text)) {
      FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "It looks like the correct `resource` dependency has not been packaged";

    auto value = std::vector<uint8_t>(text.begin(), text.end());
            {fidl::StringView::FromExternal(key), fidl::VectorView<uint8_t>::FromExternal(value)})
                    result) {
              if (!result.ok()) {
                FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Unexpected framework error";
              } else if (result->is_error()) {
                FX_LOGS(INFO) << "WriteItem Error: " << fidl::ToUnderlying(result->error_value());
              } else {
                FX_LOGS(INFO) << "WriteItem Success";

              // Quit the loop, thereby handing control back to the outer loop of actions being
              // iterated over.

    // Run the loop until the callback is resolved, at which point we can continue from here.

  // If the `max_export_size` is 0, no export is possible, so just ignore this block. This check
  // isn't strictly necessary, but does avoid extra work down the line.
  if (conf.max_export_size() > 0) {
    // Create a 100Kb VMO to store the resulting export. In a real implementation, we would
    // likely receive the VMO representing the to-be-written file from file system like vfs of
    // fxfs.
    zx::vmo vmo;
    if (zx_status_t status = zx::vmo::create(conf.max_export_size(), 0, &vmo); status != ZX_OK) {
      FX_PLOGS(ERROR, status) << "Failed to create VMO";
      return -1;

                    result) {
              // Quit the loop, thereby handing control back to the outer loop of actions being
              // iterated over, when we return from this callback.

              if (!result.ok()) {
                FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Unexpected FIDL framework error: " << result.error();

              if (!result->is_ok()) {
                FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Export Error: " << fidl::ToUnderlying(result->error_value());

              FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Export Success";
              // Read the exported data (encoded in byte form as persistent FIDL) from the
              // returned VMO. In a real implementation, instead of reading the VMO, we would
              // merely forward it to some other storage-handling process. Doing this using a VMO,
              // rather than FIDL IPC, would save us frivolous reads and writes at each hop.
              size_t content_size = 0;
              zx::vmo vmo = std::move(result->value()->filled);
              if (vmo.get_prop_content_size(&content_size) != ZX_OK) {
              std::vector<uint8_t> encoded_bytes;
              if (vmo.read(encoded_bytes.data(), 0, content_size) != ZX_OK) {
              // Decode the persistent FIDL that was just read from the file.
              fit::result exportable =
              if (exportable.is_error()) {
                FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Failed to unpersist: " << exportable.error_value();
              if (!exportable->has_items()) {
                FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Expected items to be set";
              auto& items = exportable->items();

              // Log some information about the exported data.
              FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Printing " << items.count() << " exported entries, which are:";
              for (const auto& item : items) {
                FX_LOGS(INFO) << "  * " << item.key.get();

    // Run the loop until the callback is resolved, at which point we can continue from here.

  // TODO(https://fxbug.dev/42156498): We need to sleep here to make sure all logs get drained. Once the
  // referenced bug has been resolved, we can remove the sleep.
  return 0;


// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include <fidl/examples.keyvaluestore.supportexports/cpp/wire.h>
#include <lib/async-loop/cpp/loop.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/task.h>
#include <lib/component/outgoing/cpp/outgoing_directory.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/wire/channel.h>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <algorithm>

#include <re2/re2.h>

// An implementation of the |Store| protocol.
class StoreImpl final : public fidl::WireServer<examples_keyvaluestore_supportexports::Store> {
  // Bind this implementation to a channel.
  StoreImpl(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher,
            fidl::ServerEnd<examples_keyvaluestore_supportexports::Store> server_end)
      : binding_(fidl::BindServer(
            dispatcher, std::move(server_end), this,
            [this](StoreImpl* impl, fidl::UnbindInfo info,
                   fidl::ServerEnd<examples_keyvaluestore_supportexports::Store> server_end) {
              if (info.reason() != ::fidl::Reason::kPeerClosedWhileReading) {
                FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Shutdown unexpectedly";
              delete this;
            })) {}

  void WriteItem(WriteItemRequestView request, WriteItemCompleter::Sync& completer) override {
    FX_LOGS(INFO) << "WriteItem request received";
    std::string key{request->attempt.key.get()};
    std::vector<uint8_t> value{request->attempt.value.begin(), request->attempt.value.end()};

    // Validate the key.
    if (!RE2::FullMatch(key, "^[A-Za-z]\\w+[A-Za-z0-9]$")) {
      FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Write error: INVALID_KEY, For key: " << key;
      FX_LOGS(INFO) << "WriteItem response sent";
      return completer.Reply(

    // Validate the value.
    if (value.empty()) {
      FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Write error: INVALID_VALUE, For key: " << key;
      FX_LOGS(INFO) << "WriteItem response sent";
      return completer.Reply(

    if (key_value_store_.find(key) != key_value_store_.end()) {
      FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Write error: ALREADY_EXISTS, For key: " << key;
      FX_LOGS(INFO) << "WriteItem response sent";
      return completer.Reply(

    // Ensure that the value does not already exist in the store.
    key_value_store_.insert({key, value});
    FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Wrote value at key: " << key;
    FX_LOGS(INFO) << "WriteItem response sent";
    return completer.Reply(fit::success());

  void Export(ExportRequestView request, ExportCompleter::Sync& completer) override {
    FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Export request received";
    fit::result result = Export(std::move(request->empty));
    if (result.is_ok()) {
    } else {
    FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Export response sent";

  using ExportError = ::examples_keyvaluestore_supportexports::wire::ExportError;
  using Exportable = ::examples_keyvaluestore_supportexports::wire::Exportable;
  using Item = ::examples_keyvaluestore_supportexports::wire::Item;

  fit::result<ExportError, zx::vmo> Export(zx::vmo vmo) {
    if (key_value_store_.empty()) {
      return fit::error(ExportError::kEmpty);
    fidl::Arena arena;
    fidl::VectorView<Item> items;
    items.Allocate(arena, key_value_store_.size());
    size_t count = 0;
    for (auto& [k, v] : key_value_store_) {
      // Create a wire |Item| object that borrows from |k| and |v|.
      // Since |k| and |v| are references into the long living |key_value_store_|,
      // while |items| only live within the current function scope,
      // this operation is safe.
      items[count] = Item{
          .key = fidl::StringView::FromExternal(k),
          .value = fidl::VectorView<uint8_t>::FromExternal(v),
    std::sort(items.begin(), items.end(),
              [](const Item& a, const Item& b) { return a.key.get() < b.key.get(); });
    Exportable exportable = Exportable::Builder(arena).items(items).Build();
    fit::result encoded = fidl::Persist(exportable);
    if (encoded.is_error()) {
      FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Failed to encode in persistence convention: " << encoded.error_value();
      return fit::error(ExportError::kUnknown);
    size_t content_size = 0;
    if (vmo.get_prop_content_size(&content_size) != ZX_OK) {
      return fit::error(ExportError::kUnknown);
    if (encoded->size() > content_size) {
      return fit::error(ExportError::kStorageTooSmall);
    if (vmo.set_prop_content_size(encoded->size()) != ZX_OK) {
      return fit::error(ExportError::kUnknown);
    if (vmo.write(encoded->data(), 0, encoded->size()) != ZX_OK) {
      return fit::error(ExportError::kUnknown);
    return fit::ok(std::move(vmo));

  void handle_unknown_method(
      fidl::UnknownMethodMetadata<examples_keyvaluestore_supportexports::Store> metadata,
      fidl::UnknownMethodCompleter::Sync& completer) override {
    FX_LOGS(WARNING) << "Received an unknown method with ordinal " << metadata.method_ordinal;

  fidl::ServerBindingRef<examples_keyvaluestore_supportexports::Store> binding_;

  // The map that serves as the per-connection instance of the key-value store.
  // Out-of-line references in wire types are always mutable. Thus the
  // |const std::vector<uint8_t>| from the baseline needs to be changed to
  // non-const as we're making a vector view pointing to it during |Export|,
  // even though in practice the value is never mutated.
  std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<uint8_t>> key_value_store_ = {};

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Started";

  // The event loop is used to asynchronously listen for incoming connections and requests from the
  // client. The following initializes the loop, and obtains the dispatcher, which will be used when
  // binding the server implementation to a channel.
  async::Loop loop(&kAsyncLoopConfigNeverAttachToThread);
  async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher = loop.dispatcher();

  // Create an |OutgoingDirectory| instance.
  // The |component::OutgoingDirectory| class serves the outgoing directory for our component. This
  // directory is where the outgoing FIDL protocols are installed so that they can be provided to
  // other components.
  component::OutgoingDirectory outgoing = component::OutgoingDirectory(dispatcher);

  // The `ServeFromStartupInfo()` function sets up the outgoing directory with the startup handle.
  // The startup handle is a handle provided to every component by the system, so that they can
  // serve capabilities (e.g. FIDL protocols) to other components.
  zx::result result = outgoing.ServeFromStartupInfo();
  if (result.is_error()) {
    FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Failed to serve outgoing directory: " << result.status_string();
    return -1;

  // Register a handler for components trying to connect to |Store|.
  result = outgoing.AddUnmanagedProtocol<examples_keyvaluestore_supportexports::Store>(
      [dispatcher](fidl::ServerEnd<examples_keyvaluestore_supportexports::Store> server_end) {
        // Create an instance of our StoreImpl that destroys itself when the connection closes.
        new StoreImpl(dispatcher, std::move(server_end));
  if (result.is_error()) {
    FX_LOGS(ERROR) << "Failed to add Store protocol: " << result.status_string();
    return -1;

  // Everything is wired up. Sit back and run the loop until an incoming connection wakes us up.
  FX_LOGS(INFO) << "Listening for incoming connections";
  return 0;



// TODO(https://fxbug.dev/42060656): HLCPP implementation.


// TODO(https://fxbug.dev/42060656): HLCPP implementation.